On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 03:38:59PM +0100, Jono Bacon wrote:
Hi Lars,
It does "just work", you just get
generic GUIs instead of
plugin-specific ones.
But surely the GUI is bound to a certain list of plugins. So, when we
get LADSPA support in Jokosher, because we need to make the GUI for
the plugins, we need to basically decide on a list of included plugins
and create the GUIs. Surely this limits the ability for the user to
just install a plugin pack as we won't have GUI for those plugins?
Correct me if I am wrong on this, I am still very new around here. :P
Oh, and I read that someone was working on an XML DTD for plugin GUIs
- what is the current progress on this? I could not find anything out
about it on the LADSPA site.
It has been proposed several times, but it's not a particularly good idea
IMHO. I was in favour of it for a bit.
- Steve