On 12/31/2013 06:08 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Dominique Michel
<dominique.michel(a)vtxnet.ch <mailto:dominique.michel@vtxnet.ch>> wrote:
In gentoo, we have another politic with the licences. The free
licence are accepted by portage by default, and for the other licences,
the user must accept them on a per package basis. For linuxsampler,
both the portage versions and the pro-audio overlay live version are
considered as GPL2, as stated into the source code.
It isn't clear that linuxsampler's license is legal. They use the GPL2
and then add restrictions, which is prohibited by the GPL. It may or may
not affect the license, but either way it is a wierd situation.
I think there is a definitive reason why upstream chose this path in
this case. I'm not privy to this, but it is sad, because it is an
awesome project, but we have to err on the side of freedom ...