Hello all!
Please excuse me for a little off-topic post. I've just upgraded my Mandriva
distro from 2005 to 2006, and now AMS won't start:
[artemio@localhost ams-1.8.7]$ ams
QMultiInputContext::changeInputMethod(): index=0, slave=xim
LADSPA_PATH: /usr/lib/ladspa/
loadPath: /home/artemio/audio/patches/AMS/,
savePath: /home/artemio/audio/patches/AMS/
Alsa_driver: detected more than 1024 playback channnels, reset to 2.
ALSA lib pcm_mmap.c:368:(snd_pcm_mmap) mmap failed: Invalid argument
Alsa_driver: can't set playback hardware parameters.
Can't connect to ALSA
What can this mean? Other audio apps making use of ALSA work just fine
(Hydrogen, ZynAddSubFx, etc.).
Thanks for any help,
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