Hello Debian users and interested bystanders,
I have completed the Debian csound package. Once my sponsor has looked
it over, approved of it, and uploaded it, it will be in unstable. In the
meantime you can find it at
http://hans.fugal.net/debian sid/main
http://hans.fugal.net/debian sid/main
I use csound, but I wouldn't consider myself a power user; in particular
I haven't used any of the utilities (e.g. pvanal, hetro, etc.). If you
do use them, please give the manpages a look-over and let me know if you
see anything wrong.
Hans Fugal | De gustibus non disputandum est.
http://hans.fugal.net/ | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg
http://gdmxml.fugal.net/ | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
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