On Sat, Aug 02, 2008 at 01:01:12PM +0200, Pieter Palmers wrote:
Florian Faber wrote:
I doubt that it is easy over a transport protocol
that doesn't have a
global absolute time reference (like ethernet).
What time reference do you have in mind on ethernet that can be used as
word clock source?
My formulation is a bit unfortunate. I mean that ethernet does NOT have
a global absolute time reference. And word clock is not a time
reference. It's a 'rate' reference, which does not contain absolute time
information. What you need to output signals on different devices with
sample accurate phase is an absolute time reference. Which ethernet does
not have.
The solution I'm using in this case is to distribute
a single audio signal (similar to the one used in jdelay)
to all computers. The signal can be decoded into a sub-
sample accurate time, and all network data are timestamped
using this time scale.
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
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E guerra e morte !