On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 12:37 +0300, Sampo Savolainen wrote:
Quoting Patrick Shirkey
While we are discussing alternative fuels for
cars, some of you may be
interested in my new blog and the latest advancements in open source
research on using water as a fuel ...
You can use energy (electricity) to divide water molecules into oxygen and
hydrogen and thus using water as a no-loss battery.
But a fuel? No, water is not a fuel. Hydrogen, now there's a fuel.
This technology is very interesting and has potentially huge uses as a
no-loss battery making solar power very usable for homes. But this website
uses "water as a fuel" to do what looks like nothing but childish experiments.
Ouch. The blog is just keeping track of recent developments that have
been made that use water as a source of fuel.
You're right that hydrogen is the actual power source but as hydrogen is
very nicely and efficiently compressed into water it make sense to call
water a fuel.
If you look through the archives you will see that there are people
running motors with water. Straight out of a bottle and run through this
new circuit that you label childish with enough power to charge a piston
and spin a rotor.
The people doing the research and experimentation are doing it open
source style with limited funding and resources usually in the garage at
home. It may look unprofessional at first glance but if you look deeper
you will see there is some very professional work being achieved.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd