On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 06:49:22PM +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:
Could it be that you've also accidentally sent
other MIDI-CCs to
setBfree that changed the Leslie's behaviour?
Don't think so, as I get the same effect just using the virtual
keyboard and fast Leslie.
The wobble (wrong octaves?) is not unexpected for two
doppler-shifts and is also present in the real thing(TM).
Yet, the Lesie is currently indeed the weakest link in the whole
emulation. You're correct in saying that it is wrong. Yet, IMHO it still
does sound OKish.
I did some quick measurements on a 392 Hz (G) tone. The frequency
modulation index is way too high for anything of the physical
dimensions of a Leslie LF drum rotating at 330 rpm (that value was
confirmed by the measurements). And that is even without considering
diffraction effects which would result in an even lower modulation.
Your criticism is just and appreciated. Please bear
with us - I suppose
that we'll eventually end up rewriting the effects which carry a lot of
legacy code. -- If you can spare the time a DSP expert like yourself
would be very welcome.
It's not meant as criticism. *If* I find the time (which won't be
in the next few months - I'll be writing DSP code but not for audio)
I'd be happy to contribute to this great project.
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It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris
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