On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 12:49:32PM -0800, Ken Restivo wrote:
Wow, it's in Italia! I'd love to go. Alas, I
the airfare alone from SFO to Milano would be around
US$1000... there's no way I can come up with that kind
of money.
You're not the first US resident to deplore this...
What happened to all those cheap transatlantic
flights ? Petrol prices are down...
Also I've never been to Italy myself (sono io
cento-per-cento italiano, ma nato a New York),
and I'm a bit afraid to go, since if I do,
I might not ever want to come back. *sigh*
I'm not so sure of that... The US finally have a
respectable president, we still have Berlusconi.
Italy is in crisis - and not only the economy.
Last weekend some kids (youngest was 17, and all
from 'respectable' families) set fire to a homeless
Indian sleeping outdours, just 'per divertirsi'...
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !