On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 01:17:21PM +0100, Dave
Griffiths wrote:
* high dc offset
* very low frequency
* very high frequency
Add 'High level at higher frequencies'. In most speakers
systems, the HF unit will sustain considerably less power
than the LF/MF parts.
added to the list - thanks
High-end PA systems (using active crossover) can
themselves by having separate limiters in each band. For
a full range speaker system, ideally you'd want frequency
dependant limiting. JAMIN will do this IIRC, if you can
tolerate the delay.
I'd rather use jamin than write more code, but ideally I think I'd quite
like to get this sort of protection built into the selection of the
patches. It might be worth filtering it externally anyway I guess.