On Monday 22 November 2004 18:07, Hans Fugal wrote:
Is there an app that will dump midi events in
human-readable format to
stdout (or a file, or gui window, whatever)? Preferably it would work on
SMF as well as realtime (ALSA), and have filters to filter out
undesirables (e.g. active sensing or perhaps sysex).
The following utilities are included on newest alsa-utils packages. Both can
print the incoming MIDI events as human readable text in realtime.
amidi (using ALSA raw MIDI interface)
amidi is a command-line utility which allows to receive and send SysEx
(system exclusive) data from/to external MIDI devices. It can also
send any other MIDI commands.
-d, --dump
Prints data received from the MIDI port as hexadecimal bytes.
Active Sensing bytes (FEh) will not be shown, unless the -a
option has been given.
arecordmidi (using ALSA sequencer)
arecordmidi is a command-line utility that records a Standard MIDI File
from one or more ALSA sequencer ports.
Shows the events received as text on standard output.
For SMF files, both Fluidsynth and Timidity can do so.
$ timidity -idvvv music.mid
$ fluidsynth -v music.mid
You can also try my little utilities in C and Pascal, including a midi monitor
utility with GUI interface for Kylix that you can find here: