On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 05:22:24PM +0200, Alfons Adriaensen wrote:
Hello all,
I'm trying to clear up my mind as to what conventions to follow
in a GUI for the actions of zooming in and out e.g. a spectrum
Now my question: what about zooming ? For keyboard shortcuts,
Then there's the questions of icons. If in
addition to the
arrows in a scrollbar you would also have small buttons to
zoom in and out, what should they look like ?
my OSC sequencer (
http://whats-your.name/s/seq/ ) has no icons, scrollbars, or fiddly
tabbing between 'zoom mode' 'eedit mode' 'split mode' etc, action
is contextual: a 3 button mouse is required, or a modifier key to simulate the 2nd/3rd
buttons. clicking on an empty area and drag, the view is panned. click on an object and it
will move or resize. middle button drag is zoom, diagaonally up and left would zoom in
both axes, and vice versa. scrollwheel pans X axis, shift scrollwheel Y, controll
scrollwheel zoom X, shift control srollwheel zoom Y. double click or shift click initiates
a selection rectangle, right click drag on an object adjusts opacity/volume. right click
anywhere else brings up a context menu for quantize/grouping/etc operations. of cuorse
there are no standards but this is what i use, as anectodal data. seems fairly similar to
what i remembeer on Windows...
Zoom in Zoom out
- +
-><- <->
or the inverse ???