Great job Christian!
Oh, now I want to try them myself :)!!
On Wednesday 28 April 2004 12.53, Christian Frisson wrote:
Hi all,
Dave Robillard wrote:
What the heck is the point of it being
"free" if you want to "have your
word on all mods"?
Sounds pretty un-free to me.
Maybe should I've been more clear: I've no problems with the software I'll
release being free: like Pd patches, SynthEdit VSTi's, drivers... I just
wanna find a good way to protect my hardware works from people who already
have sales and legal strength that would make them proof from any file I
could suit against them!
torbenh wrote:
i have (by mistake) deleted my lad folder. and
either you did not post
your compatibility list, or i missed it. i cant tell.
First reason matches.
I've posted it on the K-v-R forum:
Because that's where i've found most of the plugins:
Alternatively, until the nodes change while I update my bookmarks, you can
browse all links to devs there:|0|461|897|1098|1103|
Let me quote one of the first answers to the thread: "The stuck notes in
some SE VSTi are most likely due to CK's Unison modules that are a little
Have your copy saved on a text file, so that you can emulate a database
search. Ex: getting all interesting working plugins among all plugins
stored on a text file named "VSTi":
cat VSTi | grep ': W!'
Do you want to practise your french?,idtopic,60705.htm
wait until after ladconf (paul and i will meet
there -> synergy)
Looking forward eagerly to receiving news from that meeting!
Christian Frisson