I made some progress over the weekend...
On 10/6/05, Karsten Wiese <annabellesgarden(a)yahoo.de> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2005 14:49 schrieb Arnold
> On 10/6/05, Karsten Wiese <annabellesgarden(a)yahoo.de> wrote:
> > Or use netconsole.
> > See kernel/Documentation or google for how-tos.
> Hmm, maybe I can try this. Thanks,
Couldn't get that to run which isn't that important as I found other ways...
If it'd be a freeze, you can start an RT console
before your test
$ chrt -f 99 xterm&
Didn't had that installed either (until now)...
If its not a crash you maybe see something there.
As the system doesn't seem to freeze after the first jackd-start using
mm-sources, I watched the syslog in one window and got some logs:
Using 2.6.14-mm-rc1 with Preemption enabled I get "should not be here
with count=0" in the syslog after some (short) time and jack stops
working. The message comes from usbusx2yaudio.c (I added the relevant
info to the c-file to definitly know its from there and not from the
second file containing the same line). Also I do get a kernel-oops
which kills my usb-bus (no mouse anymore, only touchpad remains). The
snd-usb-usx2y-module can never be unloaded and sometimes the system
freezes on this setup...
Using the same kernel but without Preemption I get the same message
from the usb-usx2y-driver as above shortly after I start jackd(*) and
connect the ins with the outs. On second try of starting jackd I get
"usb_submit_urb() returned -22" in syslog.
Maybe that helps to tell me where I can enable more debug-output to
investigate the driver/kernel...
One of the other things I will try the next days is to test with the
rather old 2.6.11* kernel as I know that that version works on my
other two systems.
Or stop the hog.
Sorry for me making such a fuss, its just depressing paying a lot of
money to get a state-of-the-art laptop and realizing that it doesn't
even seem to be able to deal with slow usb1.1 hardware. Let me state
that I am absolutely willing to help solving this problem (if it
really is a usb-usx2y-on-amd64-problem). Only problem is that I don't
have internet-connection at home and can't carry my tascam to work
every day.
Have a nice day,
(*) Everytime I started jackd with "jackd -dalsa -dhw:2"
Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich
verhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und
einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.