Thank you very much for your help.
I guess it does seem there is some weakness in the interface, however I am
not convinced that this is the entire story simply because in such case at
least playing a single sound via ASIO would work. In my case no matter what
I try to play (even if I try to play a single crappy stereo wav sound, it
still has the same artifacts like the more demanding setup -- it seems that
the amount of throughput does not alter the sound quality or speed.
This firewire solution you mentioned, will it work with Multiface, or will
it be a separate thing that I'll need to dish out huge amounts of money for?
:-( (also if there is any info on it available on the net, any additional
info will be utmostly appreciated)
Again, thank you very much for your help!
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, composer & multimedia sculptor
-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Touquet []
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 4:26 AM
To: Ivica Ico Bukvic
Subject: ENE Cardbus controller
This is a post by Mathias from RME, in the newsgroup.
I think you are out of luck :/
The reason the non-asio works, is that not all ios are
enabled, and so the PCI bus is not as stressed as when
all ios are enabled.
There is also no alternative but to hook up the multiface
to the cardbus card, there are no converters and the connection
is not straight firewire.
After musikmesse, RME will bring a new firewire solution to
the market though, so there will be no need for cardbus on
laptops with decent firewire.
Sorry for the bad news,
Repost on
This is absolutely my last mail on this completely senseles and time
wasting thread. The ENE cardbus controller does not support burst mode.
Therefore PCI bandwidth is limited to a few tracks I/O. 8+8 works in
some cases but is on the edge of failure. Adding the ADAT port makes it
unusable. How can someone recommend a notebook which already works on
the edge of performance when using all 8 analog I/Os? One can't.
So anyone who keeps an ENE equipped notebook against our recommendation
has to live with the upcoming problems, but not to clutter this forum
with obsolete posts. This thread needed only the first two posts - it is
now 22 mails for nothing.
Matthias Carstens