On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 19:24 +0200, Ralf Mardorf
The only useful thing is to
have a pre-adjusted meter, that can't be readjusted by the audio
How do you deal with the annoying detail that there are at least 3
standard alignments between 0Vu and 0dbFs (EBU, SMPTE and US Radio)? You
need a calibration tweak to allow you to set the meters to whatever
standard the rest of your system is aligned to.
Regards, Dan.
I'm very sceptic that meters for studios in the box are in sync with
external equipment. I'm also very sceptic about the quality of measure
accurately for external equipment in any home recording studio, any
semi-pro studio and even some pro studios, were the equipment isn't
checked on a daily basis. Absolute accuracy becomes important especially
if tapes are sent from one studio to the other. The effective value is
sine wave +3dB = 0 and nothing else. Am I wrong?