I suggested this idea on linux-audio-dev list:
http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/linux-audio-dev/2010-July/028590.html, but still
have no any answers.
Unfortunally, as I just saw, it was included into other thread:
http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/linux-audio-dev/2010-July/028588.html, I can guess,
it is why there are still no answers. I will not confuse, if this message will also be
included into some other thread... At least, you could point me other reasons to not
answer to that post.
It causes a slight letargy, when question hits into black hole.
Initially I planned to make a special controller for Aeolus, which should allow to write
stops toggling to sequencer, but then thought, that it is like a sycle building, and a
such thing could be more compact - e.g., controller could be integrated into instrument
GUI. A feature to generate correct MIDI signal, written to sequencer, could be disabled,
even on the fly, to save performance.