On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:42 PM, <fons(a)kokkinizita.net> wrote:
Anyone managed to run QSC's Venue Manager software
on wine ?
Tried it yesterday - running the installer displays a message
that it is checking for 'required Microsoft components' and
that this could take 5 to 10 minutes. But it was still checking
an hour later...
I downloaded the installer, unpacked with unzip, noticed
that it used a few Microsoft components, and installed them
ahead of time with winetricks just in case:
sh winetricks dotnet20 mdac27 jet40
The installer than ran just fine, and finished in under a minute.
I was using wine-1.3.11; if you're using something older, you should
download 1.3.11 or so. (See
for pointers to where to get packages for Ubuntu, etc.)
QSControlNet.exe started up, but with great read X's and black
menu items;
sh winetricks gdiplus
fixed that.
No idea if the app really works, but at least it installs and starts.