At 14:09 05.10.2004, you wrote:
On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 11:00:15AM +0200, Michael Iber
my radio programme about free software and
contemporary composing, the LAD
in Karlsruhe and the "Wizards od Os"-Conference in Berlin
"- wo die Quellen offen liegen -
Freie Software und aktuelle Musik"
will be broadcasted on German State Radio
SWR2 on Nov 1st at 11 pm.
Any chance it will be available on-line afterwards ?
To provide an audio-stream or -download might be difficult because of legal
issues, but I'll try my best to convince the broadcast-people ...
There should be a rtf-file downloadable sooner or later at (I'll post the exact link on lau/d-lists)