On Thursday 25 November 2004 18:02, Chris Cannam wrote:
On Wednesday 24 Nov 2004 22:06, Jens M Andreasen
According to my oldish midi-spec, controller
(decimal) 120 is
undefined, so I was somewhat confused at first when I got it from
A bit of digging shows that it belongs to the (newish?) GS-spec, and
means All-Sound-Off (as in 'killall -9')
Ah, that controller.
This is what happens when you rely on public interpretations of a
proprietary spec. Quite a few sources claim this controller _is_ in
MIDI 1.0, and since most contemporary synths interpret it as expected
(silencing all notes even if sustain is active), the matter wasn't ever
really questioned.
Well. Here is an official source that claims that control change 120 is in
MIDI 1.0 (1995 revision). It is not the whole MIDI 1.0 spec, only a summary.
Channel Mode Messages (See also Control Change, above)
1011nnnn 0ccccccc Channel Mode Messages.
0vvvvvvv This the same code as the Control
Change (above), but implements Mode
control and special message by using
reserved controller numbers 120-127.
The commands are:
All Sound Off.
When All Sound Off is received
all oscillators will turn off, and
their volume envelopes are set to
zero as soon as possible.
c = 120, v = 0: All Sound Off
The book "MIDI programmer's handbook", (C) 1989 by DeFuria &
does not mention this controller. I guess that ancient MIDI instruments
manufactured before the 1995 revision can't be blamed if they aren't fully