Jan Weil wrote:
What about the OOo variant?
Put everything in a directory and make a tarball on the fly.
That way you could always unpack the whole archive using standard tools
and edit your text files.
You could even use somethinkg like FLAC for the audio part...
Yeah I thought about this, and I will definitely give users the FLAC
option at some point or another. The problem with the tarball is time
and space :
Imagine you're using some 15 megs samples (a 3 minute live track for ex.)...
1 - you create a tmp directory, and copy you samples in there : you
already use twice space, and had the time to smoke a cigarette
(dangerous, you could start smoking ;)
2 - you create a tar archive from that ; second cigarette, and about 2
and half times disk space (assuming gz'ed) ; then, of course you delete
the tmp directory , but it's been a hard time
Thing is, text processing with OOo usually does not require big files,
and yet it does save slowly.
I looked around for some solution to create a tar/zip archive on-the-fly
from the memory (yeah, I load the 15 megs in ram), but couldn't find
anything... Is there a lib, or something ?