On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 17:50 +0000, Aurélien Leblond wrote:
I just released a new version of the avw.lv2
plugin suit:
- Starting not to use Gtk Builder (only LFO GUI)
Out of curiosity, were there any technical problems behind
this, or just
No technical problem really but, I simply couldn't figure out how to
add the new dials in Gladem and wasn't too keen into having my GUI
half done in Glade, half done in code.
Okay, just curious. The Ingen UI itself uses GtkBuilder extensively.
Now that it's built in to Gtk proper (no separate libglade) it's great.
Few things are more tedious than coding boring stock widget interfaces
(and that tedium + slow dev cycle + no WYSIWYG usually = sloppy
interfaces). For plugins and custom audio UI stuff that you inherently
need to write a bunch of code for anyway it doesn't really do much for
you, though.
The "canvas at center stage, remaining stock stuff built in Glade"
approach has worked pretty well for me. Ideally I'd like to minimize
that remaining stuff, since I'd like Ingen to run on things that don't
have Gtk...