From the "debug OSC during lecture talks"
* dump UDP data from a port to stdout
* forward/relay UDP data to one or more UDP ports.
- C source attached - no compile flags needed
The "hacked in Berlin's U-bahn" dept. pre-releases
jplay2 (formerly jadio) - jack-plays-it-all
- current Feature cloud:
Open-Sound-Controlled resample JACK-transport vari-speed
scrub-audio ffmpeg libquicktime libsndfile audio-cache
The "no more xruns on app shutdown" dept. has added a few
jack_deactivate() calls to various xj* gj* SVN and git repos.
and finally the "berlin sync-it syndicate" announces it's involvement in
#basically all of it is C-code in progress that I did not consider to be
#releasable software before the LAC2007 ;-) - anyway they're helpers for
#an average day of A/V R&D..