Blaze Monger wrote:
I have SCONS installed and when i type scons, it gives
me this:
Checking for libsigc++-1.2...
Package sigc++-1.2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `sigc++-1.2.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'sigc++-1.2' found
I've been trying to build this for hours and I can't find sigc++1.2.pc
Slackware 10.2 doesn't come with sigc++. You will have to get the source,
compile and install it before attempting to compile anything that uses
it, such as cheesetracker. It's not hard though - sigc++ compiles and
installs cleanly under Slackware 10.2 (for me at least) using the normal
make install