Thanks for info. Last time i used ardour very far ago (several month), and did
not even know/search for this feature. This time i'm using qtractor (doing
some advanced kind of playlist just for self, for training). And i only just
figured out such usage case for DAW - before that i supposed to do it manually
in sample editor and paste to daw project %).
One reason for me to currently use qtractor is that it uses flac format and
doesn't need to copy/convert it into project dir. Anyway, i'm to recreate
project on ardour eventually later.
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Zlobin Nikita
<cook60020tmp(a)> wrote:
There is one usage case, i can call - reversing
recorded piano and some
instruments. One case, when sequencer and even instrument settings are not
last step before mastering. I'm not expert and at all badly aware of
music to mention examples, but i know at least one - in Black Mesa game -
soundtracks, marked as "mesa remix". I don't see it bad to mention such
there, since it is done completely by fans, no matter with what resources
ardour already can reverse regions ("clips"), without writing data to disk.
Additionally, in gui clips may display inline
status, with indicators for
direction and all other clip-individual info, such as speed (probably,
all - don't know, what other indicators are good to have there).
ardour also indicates reversed status in the region name.
really unclear why you're posting thsi here, but anyway ...