Robert Jonsson wrote:
So what do you
guys think?
Does LAD community need an SDK for rapid development of
out of process, aseq-to-jack, (plus ladcca ?) synths?
Or are there some reasons why this idea is inpractical?
I can't remember the beginning of this thread, though gut feeling is that
there are already quite a few projects in this vein.
In the beginning of the thread I asked about somthing resembling
"softsynth SDK" (not visual programming environment where I rewire modules,
but the API + libs + headers + etc.)
to create alsaseq->synth->jack (plus ladcca?) synth.
If you truly want to do rapid synth development you
should construct synths in
Pd or Max,
I was unable to figure out how to connect Pd to alsaseq MIDI.
and found the comment in Pd sources:
" For MIDI, we only offer the OSS API; ALSA has to emulate OSS for us."
I think that there can be a external to catch alsaseq MIDI,
but it stands pretty far from what I would call selfcontained synth.
For the SDK in question I would assume minimum dependacies on external programs.
or even one of the modular synths, e.g. galan, ssm,
ams + probably
Unfortunately ssm seems to be unable to talk to alsaseq too.
I understand that I can use some kind of bridge between OSS and alsa MIDI input
but this is pretty far from the idea too.
several others, Supercollider comes to mind since it
was recently mentioned
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