On Sat, Jan 29, 2005 at 07:20:39 +0100, Florian Schmidt wrote:
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 06:55:31 +0100
Florian Schmidt <mista.tapas(a)gmx.net> wrote:
tarball[s] here [minor optimization attempts
since last tarball]:
about optimizations: like Anders Torger notes in his docs to brutefir:
the cycle burner is the complex multiplication. So if anyone has SIMD
assembler routines for complex multiplication of two float buffers
(fftwf_complex *) in his cupboard, please bring it out :)
jack_convolve uses complex data format, not half-complex like brutefir.
so i suppose i can't simply rip his code ;)
I'd recommend the half-complex format, it makes hte FFT much faster and
reduces the ammount of memory you have to touch. The only pain is that the
format is a bit wierd to work with.
- Steve