Hi Frank:
I'm not at all sure about hard-copy publication now. I mistakenly
assumed they'd run it in the magazine, but I'm happy enough to see it on
the LJ Web site. Nearly 1800 reads the last time I checked !
Btw, I already notified my editor regarding the "ALSO" and "XLM"
errors but they're still not fixed. Maybe today... I'm also going to add
a note regarding SuSE's support, I should have mentioned them in the
article too.
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
Currently listening to: Harold Budd & Brian Eno, "Not Yet Remembered"
Frank Neumann wrote:
Hi Dave,
in LAD you wrote:
The Linux Journal has published my account of
the LAD meeting, you can
read it here:
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to have you all review it first, but
LJ wanted it yesterday morning and caught me by surprise (I thought
they'd want it later for hard-copy). Please post errata and corrections
to the LJ Comments section, thanks !
Thanks for writing this - I just read it, and really enjoyed it! A
really nice write-up. As for errata - I only found some small harmless
typos ("ALSO" in one case instead of "ALSA", and an extra word in
point, some words written with incorrect case) - but there were (to my
knowledge) no errors about the content.
Very well done! Now I'm not sure - will this also be in the printed
version of the LJ? The June issue?
Frank Neumann (Frank.Neumann(a)st.com), VIONA Development Center
STMicroelectronics, Karlstraße 27, 76133 Karlsruhe