>From: tim hall <tech(a)glastonburymusic.org.uk>
>WADR Juhana, I think you're being silly.
>Every different synth has its great voices, unique tones and also its
>weaknesses, hardware or software.
Many of you miss the point. I use bricks:
1. Why the original poster and me would rather use well-known
commercial synths than open source synths?
2. Why demos of commercial synths do sound well better than
anything I have heard made with open source synths?
Sure every commercial synth sounds different, but we need to
have an open source synth at least in the same top class.
I would rather try to solve the case (2) first as it helps to
solve the case (1):
(A) Someone who makes great songs with commercial synths should
replace the synth track with a track made with an open source synths.
For the demo purposes only.
(B) Someone could create a MIDI file which plays great with
commercial synths. The output should be recorded for us.
Then we try to create the same with open source synths, possibly
improving the software at the same time.
Who of you can do (A)?
Who of you can do (B)?
for developers of open source graphics software
On Thursday 18 August 2005 14:21, linux-audio-user-request(a)music.columbia.edu
> You should always use "pnp=0" because that parameter is present when
> the generic PnP code is enabled in the kernel.
> If you have an older ALSA version, this parameter might be named
> acpipnp instead of pnp; see the output of "modinfo snd-mpu401".
pnp is the correct name. I'll put it in but this does not get it to load.
> There is no reason why the driver should refuse to load because it
> doesn't actually check for the presence of the hardware. This seems
> to be a bug in Demudi/Debian similar to the snd-virmidi bug.
Most probably the case. Any fix or workaround?
On Wednesday 17 August 2005 19:04, linux-audio-user-request(a)music.columbia.edu
> > This is done on startup. Get device not found or busy.
> What parameters are set in /etc/modprobe.conf for this module? Is
> ACPI enabled, or are you using "pnp=0"?
index=2 irq=-1 port=0x300
I tried putting in pnp=0. No change. I believe that an "apm" is working rather
than the full "acpi" on my MB.
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote
> Was anyone able to grab these?
I see the net differently from inside my domain, I hope you can see these out there!
Try www...? (www.aproximation.org?)
I tried the steamboat site but was unable to download the patch; for
fedora core or as a general patch.
Can someone point me to a mirror? (or send me the patch?)
Is the patch just thoes additions to /etc/security/limits.conf described
at http://www.steamballoon.com/wiki/Rlimits ?
Thank you!
Have you checked out http://apt.agnula.org?
Taking a look at
You don't specify what architecture you need, but
assuming Intel x86 for example, there is a
kernel-image-2.6-686 available. You just have to make
the right changes to your /etc/sources.list. I
assume you know how to do that...
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
this is the first public tarball of dssi_convolve, a DSSI wrapper around
grab here:
you need libconvolve-0.0.5.tgz for this, too (fixed some minor bugs)
- no GUI yet. Send OSC commands directly to load a responsefile. If you
use the included test_dssi_convolve.om patch in om-synth (you need
latest cvs for this), you can use sclang [supercollider3] like this to
send it stuff:
a = NetAddr("localhost", 16180);
a.sendMsg("/dssi/test/Convolve_0/configure", "rtprio", "0");
a.sendMsg("/dssi/test/Convolve_0/configure", "responsefile", "/home/tapas/sound/ResponseFiles/room/Thick Room.wav");
The included om patch provides stereo input and stereo output. A copy of
the stereo input is delayed (by 0.68s which is just the delay introduced
by dssi_convolve at a samplerate of 48khz and a partition size of 16384)
and mixed back into the output. Both input signals are also mixed
together and fed into the single convolution input. The stereo
convolution output is mixed into the stereo patch output. While this
kinda abuses the convolution to do stuff it shouldn't it still sounds
nice :)
configure keys understood:
"responsefile" value: filename. load the specified responsefile
"rtprio" value: the desired SCHED_FIFO prio for the worker thread. when
0 is specified SCHED_OTHER is used.
- the convolution runs in a lower prio thread and a huge buffer [default
16384] is used to decouple the convolution size from the hosts
periodsize. This introduces 2*partition size frames additional latency
which is reported on the "latency" control output. The partition size
can be changed by altering the DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE in the source
code. A configure key for this will be added.
- loads only in om, not in jack-dssi-host. [any clue?]
- might have problems loading mono files. not tested.
- SConstruct broken. Use the Makefile
- might lock up your boxen. so if this is a problem for you, inspect the
source first and fix all bugs ;)
- millions more i'm sure. if you find any please let me know :)
- Different channel versions (mono, 4 channel, 6 channel). This provides
always a single input only but the loaded response files may then be
mono, stereo, 4-channel or 6-channel.
- Realtime mode (where partition size == hosts buffer size -> no
additional delay). Need to figure out some DSSI specifics to find out
how to discover host buffer size before initial configure call is done
(which might load a responsefile and for which the partitioon size needs
to be specified)
TODO's might take a while due to my limited time atm [studying]. Help
appreciated. Drop me a mail.
Feedback is most welcome.
P.S.: yes i will remove the audio rate gain input port in the next
realease. I don't need it and i figure it might confuse DSSI host apps
that try to figure out themselfes how to hook it up.
Palimm Palimm!
Download from
Snd-ls is a distribution of the sound editor Snd. Its target is
people that don't know scheme very well, and don't want
to spend too much time configuring Snd. It can also serve
as a quick introduction to Snd and how it can be set up.
******* ->
-Upgraded SND to V7.15 from 17.8.2005. Many important changes.
-Various improvements in the user-interface.
-Upgraded snd to V7.15 from 12.8.2005. Many important changes.
-Various other things.
-Upgraded various rt-stuff.
-Upgraded various rt-stuff++
-Removed jack_set_server_dir guile-binding from rt-engine.scm, because its
removed from the newer versions of jack.