Does anyone know of software that can generate MIDI messages from a touchpad?
The idea would be to send CCs to a sequencer or soft synth, but being able to
send it to an external hardware device would also be very useful.
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
I'm looking at things like
There are a lot of android tablets in my world and I'd like to try to put them to good use. Some of my collaborators are very shy of computers, but we'll used to touch interfaces
But I have been badly burned in theast by apps with terrific user interfaces but no way to connect or export compositions
Looking at the app store, it is full of ad ware and marketing crap
I do not mind paying. I like paying reasonable prices, and I have a very strong preference for libre
Has anybody experience they could share with me?
Dear all,
Unfortunately I had to disable signing up for all mailing
lists. This is due to a flood of fake accounts being created that send
out subscription confirmations which sometimes get flagged as spam. This
in turn leads to so-called Feedback Loop complaints from the abuse team
of our hosting service (Hetzner). If we get too much of those we risk
getting our mail traffic blocked or ending up on a RBL (Realtime Blacklist).
So at the moment new subscriptions can only be done manually through me.
This is very inconvenient of course so if anyone knows a better way to
shield Mailman3 against bots creating fake accounts then please contact
me, thanks in advance!
Best regards and happy holidays!!!
Jeremy admin
I've recently made "prettified" accordion videos using closeups of both
hands. That provides a pretty good distraction from the faces I pull
when playing while still not nominally going for the "headless" look
popular with some players likely having the same problem.
Since the left hand moves all over the place with the bass part of the
accordion, it requires keyframes to rein that movement in for the
closeup. Shotcut recently acquired motion tracker, but so far I haven't
got it to work, it doesn't track rotation, and there doesn't seem to be
a way to apply results for creating a working closeup crop. So
basically I went through the video until each bellows reversal and then
straightened up the closeup, creating a keyframe.
The greatest annoyance probably was that the rotation angle tended to be
in the interval 350° to 20° and I had to manually convert every angle
just below 360° into a negative angle in order to keep Shotcut from
performing caprioles with the bass side of the accordion between
keyframes. An option to constrain the rotation angle to some interval
when using the visual controls for straightening things could be useful.
I've worked with three cameras: one for the main video, one for each
hand. The bass hand camera was tilted in a way to get as large an image
as possible while keeping the bass side of the accordion somewhere in
On the audio side, this was sampled in Ardour with 96k on an Echo
Audiofire card using jackd2 on Firewire (I had to ditch Pulsewire on
Ubuntustudio because it got in the way). I employed the Guitarix
wrapping of Zitareverb which does a much more convincing job than what
Shotcut itself offers as "Reverb".
Now if just my playing skills were up to what the tools do... Silk
purses and all that.
David Kastrup
Hi list,
I discovered that jackd can use different devices for input and output,
which is great! I am wondering if there will be the occasional click if
these two devices do not have synchronized word clocks? Or is there some
clever (resampling?) going on behind the scenes?