I saw some posts on this list that described RME Multiface II as
behaving very well on linux. I was wondering, how about those
other RME interfaces like Fireface 400, Fireface 800; are these
better than Multiface II ? I am looking for an interface for my
laptop for performing live.
[ANN] Gneutronica-0.33 release
Homepage: http://gneutronica.sourceforge.net
source tar.gz: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gneutronica/gneutronica-0.33.tar.gz?down…
Changes since 0.32
* Scramble button did not adjust noteoff times -- fixed.
* Shortened names of buttons at bottom of pattern window.
* Added a way to transpose melodic patterns up or down.
* Made the piano notes a little wider
* Added ability to mute MIDI channels and tracks (in case
you want to record those parts separately so they may be
mixed independently later.)
* Fixed remapping of drumkits to not screw up melodic patterns
* Fuxed bug that freshly loaded songs didn't have noteoff data
* Made noteoff get sent when program quits.
-- steve
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Hello everyone,
I was wondering whether my Digigram PCX22v2 would work with my Ubuntu...
According to the soundcard matrix, a few Digigram soundcards using
Motorola DSPs work with ALSA. Has anyone been successful with Digigram's
PCX22 and Linux? :)
Vincent Tabard
Radio Pytagor : http://www.radiopytagor.com/
Linuxaudio.org is getting ready to announce new memberships in the coming
weeks. For this reason, I would like to invite all Linux Audio projects and
its members, as well as other allied projects, institutions, companies, and
hardware vendors to consider joining our organization.
Simply send an e-mail to ico at linuxaudio dot org stating your interest to
join. There are no dues or hidden costs and the membership can be terminated
at any time via member's written request.
As the consortium grows, we strive to provide a focal, converging point
through which we will represent our community, offer new opportunities for
collaboration and interaction, represent and preserve interests of the
community, as well as serve as a point of contact for commercial industry
and hardware vendors.
For more info please visit linuxaudio.org or do not hesitate to contact me
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A. Composition
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-7047
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
wmix, wmmixer, and wmsmixer: portage's short description claims all 3 support ALSA. one fails on "XpmError: XpmOpenFailed (.1986-2)" and the others fail on "no such device /dev/mixer", while -d hw:0,0(,0) just sends them for a loop
gnome-panel has the perfect volume control, but then gnome-settings-daemon launches and screws up all the fonts, not to mention chews 15 or 30 mb of ram. and when you kill gnome-settings-daemon, the volume control button _disappears_ from the panel, while the other stuff stays
in summary, is there a volume control for fluxbox that actually works?
hi guys!
due to post-academic stress syndrome (read: i'm getting a real job ;), i
would like to resign from being maintainer of the linux-audio-* lists.
lately i haven't been able to keep up with the lists as much as i would
have liked to, and i feel it's time for new people to take over.
if you'd like to volunteer, holler now :)
i'm leaving on a four-week iceland trip in about a week, and if no-one
has expressed their interest by then, i would be very glad if somebody
could at least step forward to tend to the lists for a month or so...
as an added bonus, there is also the job of cleaning up the old
lad.linuxaudio.org page, throwing out all the obsolete stuff (i.e.
everything except the subscription information and the contrib/ section)
and maybe linking to all the excellent documentation efforts elsewhere :)
i hope to stay in contact with the linux audio community in the future,
and i will definitely do some volunteer work for next year's linux audio
conference in berlin, but my life has moved away from studio work to
live audio engineering, systems administration and (ugh) web content
all the best,
jörn nettingsmeier
home://germany/45128 essen/lortzingstr. 11/
if you are a free (as in "free speech") software developer
and you happen to be travelling near my home, drop me a line
and come round for a free (as in "free beer") beer. :-D
Hi now :-)
Here's a new tune, recorded using Ardour, hope 'tis not too offensive
to the ears ! Tnx to all Linux Audio Developers/Users once again !
(off I go to clean up my Slackware installation.....long day ahead....).
Visit www.conorotuama.com