I'm not a programmer myself, but I had an idea. Would
it be possible (even in theory) to create an
application that could analyze just a regular .wav
song file and be able to "extract" the drum beats to a
midi file?
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My midi keyboard (Evolution MK-225C) works fine when using the USB connection
with my Audigy2 soundblaster card. Someone on the Fedora list is having a
problem with using the midi/gameport for his keyboard with an Ensoniq
(ens1371) card. I tried the keyboard on my other machine that has an Ensoniq
card. First using the USB connection, which works ok, and secondly using the
midi cable which connects to the soundcards gameport. Big problems here.
Qjackctl shows in it's midi connections, a midi plug followed by
64:ES1371-Rawmidi 0. Connecting this to ZynAddSubFx produces no output.
I then installed kmidimon from planetccrma. when I connect kmidimon through
qjackctl's midi connections I get 2 instances of.
5003 0:1 ALSA Port subscribed 64:0 130:0
If I then play a few notes on the keyboard, and then switch the keyboard off
with it's power switch, I get on kmidimon.
64:0 Note off 1 0 0
So there seems to be some sort of connectivety between the keyboard and the
machine by the midi connection.
I freely admit that I'm not clued up on midi, but this keyboard has allways
worked ok using the USB connection, but is having problems when using the
midi cable through the gameport of the Ensoniq card.
Any suggestions very welcome.
hey there crew.
just wondering if there is someone out there that could enlighten me
to the ways of the RME multiface.
i have been using it for a few months now. i thought that these
question would arrive in time, alas, i am still confused.
for starters, i have been using peter todd artical in linux journal.
some of this is useful but other bits simply don't help at all.
my main problem is the gain settings. i can't seem to have consistant
gain for different applications. my input gain is really realy low for
the line (analog) inputs and i can't seem to find a way to boost them.
when i record in ardour, the waveform is really small and i end up
having to normalize every clip/track to get a decent volume. this is
the same issue with PD. when i try to boost the gain on using the
command as written by peter todd i get errors.
amixer -c 1 cset name=Chn,index=1 32768
amixer: Cannot find the given element from control hw:1
the other issue is that when i use media players like audacious, xmms,
mplayer etc. the output gain is a huge amount louder than PD and
Ardour and other such audio apps. this is really confusing.
as for routing the I/O's for live audio usage. i can't seem to workout
a simple and effective way to route the sound for performance. ideally
i would like to be able to have pd own the card. at the moment all
the inputs are directed routed and mixed to the subsequent output ie
analog in 1 goes to analog out 1, ananlog in 2 goes to analog out 2.
what would be great is a matrix like the one in windoes......
any help would be awesome.
as always.
>Dear all,
>Just want to bring this issue back before the list again.
>Has anyone successfully used the Novation Speedio (a USB
>audio/MIDI interface) with Linux? The MIDI side of mine
>works fine, but the audio (both input and output) sounds
>weird, like it's underwater, and the music plays too slowly
>and at a low pitch. I'm running Gentoo, 2.6.13 kernel,
>ALSA 1.0.8, JACK 0.99.0-r1.
I got almost the same results with the Novation Speedio, except that
recording works fine for me.
I'm currently using a Gentoo 2.6.17-gentoo-r4 kernel and ALSA 1.0.12. I
tried other
kernel/alsa-driver combinations but I had the same problem.
I also would like to hear if anybody has had better experiences with
Speedio hardware.
Thank you in advance.
Canorus, the successor to the music score editor NoteEdit is looking
for developers wanting to join the project. The project is hosted on
berlios and provides SVN access to the sources as well as a Wiki for
project discussions.
I put out a first release based on the current SVN. You can fetch it
from http://prdownload.berlios.de/canorus/canorus-0.0.2.tar.bz2.
Homepage: http://canorus.berlios.de
Wiki: http://canorus.berlios.de/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Contact: http://canorus.berlios.de/contact.html
Canorus is the next generation music score editor (multiple viewports
of the same score, scripting support, score source view, fast and
intuitive UI, free software and cross-platform) . Technically it is
based on Qt4, uses CMake as project management tool, swig for scripting
/ macros integration (primary script languages are ruby and python) and
the cross platform rtmidi library for the MIDI playback.
Canorus is searching for developers with experience in the fields C++,
Ruby, Qt4, XML, Parsing, User Interfaces, Music Composition and Theory,
Translators, Score Editing Unit Tests.
Some of the tasks are:
- Add several UI parts (either via Ruby or in the core) like Settings,
several different property perspectives, Lyrics, Import / Export
- Development of a robust test engine for the user interface and
its core (could be done via scripting)
- Import parsers for ABC Music, Lilypond, MusicXML, MUP (& NoteEdit),
MusiXTeX, PMX, MIDI etc.
- Export for several formats like the above
- Recording and replay of macros
- Multi-Level Undo/Redo (for different perspectives)
If you want to join the project just mail me your berlios unix name
(user name you use to log into berlios). I'd use that name for a wiki
account too and will send you a password you should change as soon
as possible.
If you cannot code but still want to contribute read the forum message
A big "thank you!" to everyone making this project possible.
Best regards,
Reinhard Katzmann
Software-Engineer, Developer of User Interfaces
Project: Canorus - the next generation music score editor -
GnuPG Public Key available on request