Searching the archive, there has been very little mention of
SuperCollider on this list in the past year. I have been learning
SuperCollider since the summer and think it's super. I wanted to share
with you all what I have made: a tool called SCVamp for improvising
music with a GUI programmed in SuperCollider.
You might like to listen to some examples. Here are two zips of mp3s.
The first set contains nine mp3s (about 45 minutes of music), and the
second has two mp3s (10 minutes of music); each set uses different
synth sounds and scales. All of the tracks were improvised with this
SuperCollider program and recorded in Ardour; they were also very
quickly processed with Jamin.
More information about the audio is here:
I would love to hear your feedback, criticism, suggestions, and advice.
Renick Bell
I'm running a 64studio and have a trouble using it with Creative Sound
Blaster Platinum Live DriveII sound device (pretty old but really cheap
for what I need).
I'm sure there's soundfonts in the device, allright?
But trying using the sound with Rosegarden is impossible?
I tried some configuration in the Manage MIDI Devices window but without
any success.
I know these cards are old, maybe someone from this list used it or
still using it and can help.
Hey all,
I'm working with some guys, and we're looking for a way to
collaboratively record remotely. The application I'm looking for is:
1. Multitracking
2. Cross-platform, at least Win/Mac (I use Win and Linux, some use
Mac, some use Windows.)
3. Compressed audio files so we can send it easily.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Audacity is close, and I would prefer not to have to use JACK on the
Windows/Mac clients. But something that's a pain to set up is better
than something that's a pain to work with. :-)
Hi everyone,
Has anyone managed to compile tao synth
( recently ?
If so, what are the changes i have to make in the sources ?
Hello List,
Can someone educate me on the best way to search the archives for the
list? When I go to the web page, I get a monthly view, where I can
download a gzipped archive for the month. I would like to search all
archives at one time. What's the best way to do this?
Josh Lawrence
> In past experience I've run SC3 with the scsynth and sclang binaries.
> Now that I'm using an AMD64 machine that's all changed. The sclang
> interface will not work with x86_64, and I'm currently unwilling to set
> up a chroot for it.
Sorry, Dave. I have no personal experience with x86_64, but in the
sc-users archive, Stephan Kersten does say:
"you need to build sclang in a 32 bit chroot, some info on
how to do that on debian is here:
scsynth needs to be built separately for 64 bit, passing
LANG=0 to scons.
sclang can be run directly from the 64 bit environment:"
> 1. What GUI are you using for SC3 ?
I am using SwingOSC. I chose it for the amount of documentation
(relative to SCUM or Puxeddu's GTK bindings) as well as, with the GUI
class, being able to run a good deal of stuff done by Mac
SuperCollider users. Hanns Rutz has been developing it pretty actively
over the fall. He's been very responsive to any questions/problems
I've had. He's also looking for developers to help the project move
> 2. What version of SC3 are you using ?
I built it from sources I downloaded in late July.
> 3. Will SCVamp work on AMD64 ?
I have not yet heard from anyone who has tried it in that environment
yet, but I'd love for you to be the first :)
> 4. Does SCVamp replace sclang ?
Not at all. In fact, it requires it at the moment.
> 5. Are there any other replacements for sclang ?
There are replacements for sclang, such as Rohan Drape's stuff which I
mentioned before:
as well as Rutz's jcollider:
I haven't heard of anyone using Psycollider on Linux (an
implementation in Python, which is currently used to do SuperCollider
stuff in Windows with SwingOSC as the GUI).
Unfortunately, the only one of these that might work as an alternative
to run my code is Psycollider. The rest would require me to rewrite
(which I am somewhat considering, using rsc).
Thanks for asking; let me know if I can help/encourage you more to get
SCVamp running on your machine:
Renick Bell
i've been searching for a way to import an (Avid) OMF file in linux, to no avail. the archived discussions i've found seem to see it as a dead end, due to the proprietary nature of the protocol. snd lists .omf as an import-only format, but i believe this is some OTHER omf (not sure what, really), because it does not recognize the OMF files i have.
has there been any movement recently on this issue?
> > Searching the archive, there has been very little mention of
> > SuperCollider on this list in the past year
> does it work on x86-64 yet? if no, can you get the same performance/functionality from supyrcollider/hsc/ssc (et al) ?
The server appears to, since at least November 2005. As for the
language, it appears it only runs at 32. McCartney says:
"There shouldn't be any problem running it as a 32 bit app on a 64 bit machine.
SClang cannot be compiled for 64 bit because it relies on
sizeof(Object*) < sizeof(double).
This would require significant reworking to fix."
"I don't really see a big need to run the language in a 64 bit address
space, though."
See this thread:
I haven't used things like Rohan Drape's Scheme or Haskell
SuperCollider clients, so I can't really say much about them.
> how about jack.. fully native?
I boot scserver and SuperCollider appears in Patchage automatically
hooked up to the audio outs. I can swap things around, like patching
SuperCollider into various channels in Ardour, Jamin, JAAA, or other
apps. I can patch audio into SuperCollider. I'm not using esd or
anything, if that's what you mean.
Renick Bell
I'm having great fun using fastbreeder (and also a bit amsynth) for
surprising me with random sounds. Are there any other tools outthere
that'll do similar things, esp weird, rhythmic grooves?
peace, love & harmony
Atte | quintet:
| compositions:
hi list,
looking into dmesg i find this strange thing:
'drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc)'
kernel configuration file looks like:
nowhiskey@murija2:/usr/src/linux-2.6.20$ grep RTC .config
# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set
# RTC interfaces
# RTC drivers
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_X1205 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1553 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL1208 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1672 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1742 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8563 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C372 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T86 is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set
# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_V3020 is not set
in the line 'CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS_DEVICE' i choosed 'rtc' because in my
filesystem there is only '/dev/rtc' and no '/dev/rtc0' or '/dev/rtc1'.
anyway, more down in the dmesg there is:
'Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
Generic RTC Driver v1.07'
does this mean that rtc is started successfully or not?
the module 'rtc' shows up in lsmod after boot.
i hope that someone can help me to clarify what is going on here.