Hi list
I just gave away my UA25 to my son because I had a pci port on a
computer and this old but capable ice7212 based sound card lying in a
closet. I remember it even worked a couple of years ago in Linux. Anyway
- now it doesn't record. It plays ack fine, but I am not able to make it
record. This is on Ubuntu natty with KXstudio desktop and a multimedia
kernel. I've tried both the special mixer Envy24 control end the later
version. Even tried alsa mixer, but I cannot for the life of figure out
how to get a signal into the computer.
Everything looks good in qjackctl - 8 inputs/outputs etc.
Does anyone actually use this any longer? Any hints??
All the best
I have scored a gig doing music for a feature film.
They want us to use "...the same software that was used for the submission..." - yay for Linux audio!
Now, my singer has a shiny new mac laptop. I have a linux based laptop and a linux tower will be added on commencement of the job. We want to have a common application stack, and hook everything up with netjack.
On my box I'm using latest dev sources, which I will freeze:
Ardour2 (Hopefully purchase Mixbus for the project)
Rosegarden (scoring)
QTractor (sequencing, instrument host)
ladspa/dssi/lv2/vst (win)
What are the options here on the mac side?
Using netjack on the mac ... how? Is there a gui?
Is there any kind of session support on the mac or am I better off using shell scripts?
I have exactly zero experience with macs, it's all new. I do not want to use sources.
Shane Richards
Producer, Composer, Multi-instrumentalist
Josh Music
TAL NoiseMaker, IMHO, is the best sounding, most fully featured and has the
best UI out of all the GPL softsynths - the problems being:
* Its not 100% free software yet as it depends on the VST SDK to be compiled
* The current Linux version either disconnects from JACK or just produces no
sound for a number of its presets
* I've been unable to get the Linux build to operate at any higher than
48Khz although it should work at 96Khz+ according to the author
I thought it time to check on here to see if anyone was thinking about or
has already started on porting NoiseMaker to LV2? It would be a superb boost
to LV2 and Linux Audio in general and would allow NoiseMaker to enter the
repositories of the popular distros.
I never heard back from Vember Audio re a lxvst port of Shortcircuit nor has
Kunitoki replied to me re getting HighLife lxvst to work so as it stands
Highlife is x86 32bit only ie if you can't get the plugin on the DiscoDSP
download page to work you're SOL right now. On top of that petri-foo dev has
been put on hold but that doesn't fulfil my requirements anyway as its not
an LV2. As a result I have been left with no other option than to look into
coding a simple LV2 sampler myself although this is currently at early
planning stages and means I finally have to bite the bullet and finally
actually learn the unlearnable monstrosity that is C++!
Before anyone pipes up - linuxsampler is NOT an option. LS and I have never
seen eye to eye nor have I ever got it working properly anyway. Its just a
complicated mess that won't load a simple wav.
Wish me luck!
You should be able to apt-cache search pulse jack.
Its the jack backend for pulse. Sorry. (Coffee has not kicked in yet:) ) I am not at my computer but I got this information from the officual ubuntu wikis. You can google "ubuntu pulseaudio jack".
This website describes the process here. Scroll down to the pulse audio section:
Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T
Rustom Mody <rustompmody(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Jeremiah Benham <jjbenham(a)chicagoguitar.com
>> wrote:
>> I set pulse to not respawn itself. I also installed the jack backend for
>> pulse. When I launch qjackctl i have pulse killed and then restarted using
>> the oulse backend. Then my gnome stuff works again. I am using 11.10. This
>> idea should work with some older versions as well (just as long as you
>> install the pulse backend)
>Thanks! But can I have more details please
>google pulse jack backend is not giving me anything definitive
>[Is pulse backended by jack or the other way round :-) ]
I set pulse to not respawn itself. I also installed the jack backend for pulse. When I launch qjackctl i have pulse killed and then restarted using the oulse backend. Then my gnome stuff works again. I am using 11.10. This idea should work with some older versions as well (just as long as you install the pulse backend)
Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T
Rustom Mody <rustompmody(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:03 AM, david <gnome(a)hawaii.rr.com> wrote:
>> Jan Depner wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2011-10-15 at 19:10 +0100, rob wrote:
>>>> On 15/10/11 18:49, Ketil Thorgersen wrote:
>>>>> Hi list
>>>>> I just gave away my UA25 to my son because I had a pci port on a
>>>>> computer and this old but capable ice7212 based sound card lying in a
>>>>> closet. I remember it even worked a couple of years ago in Linux. Anyway -
>>>>> now it doesn't record. It plays ack fine, but I am not able to make it
>>>>> record. This is on Ubuntu natty with KXstudio desktop and a multimedia
>>>>> kernel. I've tried both the special mixer Envy24 control end the later
>>>>> version. Even tried alsa mixer, but I cannot for the life of figure out how
>>>>> to get a signal into the computer.
>>>>> Everything looks good in qjackctl - 8 inputs/outputs etc.
>>>>> Does anyone actually use this any longer? Any hints??
>>>>> All the best
>>>>> Ketil
>>>> There was an issue sometime ago with ice1712 cards and pulseaudio. I
>>>> don't know whether that applies in your case.
>>>> rob
>>> I've got the same card and I just loaded CentOS 6. Mine appears to work
>>> OK but pulse is hosing up everything else. I can run through JACK and
>>> direct to ALSA with Audacity but all other sound is hosed. Anyone know
>>> how to kill Pulse?
>> Uninstall it? That's what I always do.
>Yes Ive been doing that (on ubuntu systems) but for me that means that all
>other gnome-ly things eg audio-in-firefox etc stop working.
>My ubuntu is a few versions old so... have recent versions got their act
>together so that audio works with or without pulse?
>Linux-audio-user mailing list
Hi everyone,
I just posted a new version of the AMS LV2 plugins on SourceForge:
Is now ported:
- Analog Driver
- Amplifier
- Noise2
- VCO2
- Env
- VCA Lin
- VCA Exp
- Mixer 4->1
- Slew Limiter
- Advanced Envelop
I as well added to the package a AMS and Ingen preset to compare the
sounds, and a more advanced bass preset NASPRO, LADSPA Caps and MCP,
and the LV2 SWH.
Any feedback or comments, let me know,
I addressed the list yesterday regarding my dissatisfaction wrt the current
state of soft samplers under Linux. Since then I have checked out the latest
svn versions of Linuxsampler and qsampler just to make sure nothing had
dramatically changed since I last tried them. I'd much rather we fix up LS
and qsampler to be usable in all cases rather than anyone, such as myself,
go starting a whole new project. I was thinking about posting this to the LS
mailing list (if there is one) but the problems I've encountered today
involves a wider range of Linux audio projects than just LS (such as LV2 and
Ardour) so I thought it best to discuss these issues here.
I have two goals I'd like to see achieved:
1 - You should be able to import wavs into qsampler and create/use simple
.sfz files without opening/editing/manually creating any text (.sfz) files.
This should be easily achieved by adding a new menu option to qsampler
called something like 'Import audio files' or 'Create sfz'. In most cases
you just need to specify the soundfile and the note or range that will
trigger it. Comments Rui?
2 - It should be simple to copy/move an Ardour or qtractor session that uses
the LS LV2 plugin and sf2/sfz/gig files from one machine to another
I certainly know 1 is still a problem but should be easily rectified but
I've not been able to test 2 properly yet as qsampler or LS doesn't seem to
be working? Did I format my sfz file correctly? I'm not sure which is
exactly why I want to see point 1 implemented.
For 2 to work then I think it'd be ideal if the sampler data files got
stored within the session dir, in the case of Ardour at least, if we can.
When creating a sfz file you need to specify the path to the wav files used
and so I would imagine that Ardour and/or the LS LV2 plugin would need to be
modified to search within a specific sub-dir with the session folder to look
for any such files. If such files are missing then the plugin should notify
the user and ask for an alternate path to search for the files in. Maybe it
does the latter already?
I was pleasantly surprised when testing the HighLife lxvst with Ardour 3 to
discover that it stored all its sample data within the ardour project file
itself but unfortunately it has to be converted into plain text hence
samples end up consuming about 4x the amount of space used by an
uncompressed wav file so its not totally ideal but at least it makes
sessions easily portable, which is very important to group work and
Hi evyerone,
I created this PPA a while ago for my personal use, but thought I would share :)
It is for Ubuntu Oneiric and have:
- the latest SVN of LinuxSampler
- the latest SVN of Jack2
- the latest SVN of LV2Core, LV2Extensions and Ingen
- the latest SVN of Hydrogen
- a few LV2 plugins
If you have a few requests for more, don't hesitate to ask!
P.S for David Robillard: some of the packages from your code are not
properly created, or at least not to your specifications (I'm thinking
especially of Suil).
But I have a few excuses:
- my PPA packaging skills are not that good, and I wasn't sure how to
follow your specs.
- I saw the specs only after I created the packages...
- and let's be honest, I'm lazy :) It was just way simplier to create
one package than 3 :)
Hope you don't mind!
Hi all,
it's the first time I write in this mailing list and I hope I'm not OT.
I'm looking for a hifi stereo system with USB support. I mean: I want to
be able to plug an external USB hard disk, browse the folders and choose
the files I want to listen to.
I've found some products (by Cambridge Audio) that support all the
formats I use, i.e. Ogg and Flac.
But it seems that the only supported filesystem is FAT32.
I wonder if you know some product which support some more advanced
filesystem. Hopefully ext2/3/4, but even NTFS would be maybe better than
FAT32 is slow and doesn't support some characters in the file name. I
know I'll have some problems copying my huge collection of files in a
FAT32 filesystem.
Any hint is appreciated.