Linux-audio-user November 2013
  • 67 participants
  • 57 discussions

[semi-OT] Licences and your opinion and experience
by Carlos sanchiavedraz
10 years, 10 months

sending weird sysex file
by Brent Busby
10 years, 10 months

Some heavy metal/rock'n'roll
by Arve Barsnes
10 years, 10 months

bash, lisp, virtual ugen and algol style
by Tito Latini
10 years, 10 months

Community Interaction and Working Together
by Harry van Haaren
10 years, 10 months

another linux audio bashing thread on slashdot
by michael noble
10 years, 10 months

Audio in KVM?
by Ken Restivo
10 years, 10 months

cubieboard dac module
by Patrick Shirkey
10 years, 10 months

mini midi box?
by Milan Lazecky
10 years, 10 months

[Music] a bunch of songs
by Robert Jonsson
10 years, 10 months
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