Is there a way to detect pre-emphasis in a music file from the command line?
I recently came across a CD with pre-emphasis and, given that I have a load
of files on HD - some of which are from a company that is said to have used
pre-emphasis - I would like to check to see if it is used in any of these
- Richard.
Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources
Hello !
Ardour3 supports MIDI. But how can it be used ? Can it be used like
one could use Seq24 or Muse ? I have the impression that there's a high
creative potential in there although I do not know how to start
exploring. Anyone would care to share some practical use cases of
Ardour3's MIDI capabilities ? I see Ardour 3.1.10 has even more MIDI
What's the latest consensus? Is it recommended to have a separate
drive for audio on a Linux system? Separate partition? I'm just
wondering about performance, not practical issues like moving audio
around or reinstalling the system, etc. As we know there are Mac/PC
DAW's that need things separate. Thanks.
> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:50:05 +0200
> From: "rosea.grammostola"
> Subject: [LAU] Linuxaudio from live usb
Totally doable. Performance will be about the same.
I would use the Fedora Jam iso and liveusb-creator.
-- Jeff
> Is it possible to boot an linuxaudio distro from live usb and work with
> JACK, Ardour etc.? How good or bad will the performance be? For example
> for giving a workshop about Linuxaudio on Windows computers?
> Best regards,
> \r
Is it possible to boot an linuxaudio distro from live usb and work with
JACK, Ardour etc.? How good or bad will the performance be? For example
for giving a workshop about Linuxaudio on Windows computers?
Best regards,
Hello everyone!
So I had a holiday in paradise. Meaning: I was surrounded by a very good
friend, loads of vintage equipment and Ardour3. And I am grateful for all
three. So I used a few minutes to record another piece of Bach. It's the B
Minor prelude (once again) played on an ARP Pro Soloist (trumpet) and an ARP
Oddysey. Unfortunately I had to spread my arms to the left and right playing
the piece. So the performance is not as good, as you might wish. Still it was
an experience I loved and so I'm sharing, hoping that a few gear nerds might
get something out of it.
And for the ogg-less (poor bastards :-) )
Processing consists of some high and lowpass filtering, using the GLAME
filters, the TAP stereo echo of the Oddy and the CAPS Plate reverb 2x2 for teh
Pro Soloist.
Any feedback is welcome. I hope you can enjoy it.
Warmly yours
I have an old track that needs brightened up a bit. It was recorded on a
mixing board cassette deck (I said it was old, didn't I ?), a direct
feed I think, and the sound quality is, shall we say, unlovely.
So how do I deal with such material ? Is an exciter useful in this
scenario ? Or ... ?
Anyone who wants to take a swing at it, here 'tis :
Recorded at a local festival, probably some time in the late 80s.
I can't find an option to disable MIDI for "Part #:2", it only does
provide channels 1 - 16 and omni, not really an issue, but a problem is,
that the selected channel will not be restored, I need to manually set
it up after each start.
When using "Oversample" the sound seems to be brighter at 48 KHz, than
for other options. Regarding to the highly active filters, I cant make a
valid comparison, maybe it's just randomly.
It does save data inside a folder with an invalid name, but it's started
without options.
[rocketmouse@archlinux 02song.a]$ ls -hAl
total 28K
drwxr-xr-x 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Apr 9 05:48 ??????
Making sound settings isn't easy, the GUI is confusing, but once a sound
is set up, it's amazing.
The settings in ~/.phasex/phasex.cfg edited with an editor will be used.
At the moment I'm willingly making music on a low level, just playing a
little bit with harmonySEQ, so using Phasex isn't a problem, but for
serious work, when I try to make music with as much class as possible,
by my limited abilities, I wouldn't use it yet, version 0.14.