After a fresh install I just thought I'd give the new ardour a try and
after some problems starting up I figured, that ardour cannot detect a
running jack if that has been started with the "--name SOMENAME" option
and is not running as default.
Not a big deal at all having an unnamed jack, but I am wondering if
there is an option to pass to ardour to inform it about jack running not
as "default"?
LV2 is the successor for LADSPA, that's clear so far.
but it make me wonder that www.ladspa.org
disappears, as LADSPA is still widely used.
Is there somewhere a new home
or have we to go to the archive.org
The reason why I was looking for DST capability: I have to give a lecture at my school next week about synthesis techniques, and I wanted to show some tricks that are not exactly standard (even though they've been around since Stockhausen was cutting up little bits of tape, but never mind that). Such as: run a fixed-frequency band-limited impulse through a high-Q bandpass filter to play melodies on the impulse's harmonic series.[1]
I can do this easily in SuperCollider, but I don't want the students to come away with the impression that you have to learn programming to do synthesis. So that's out.
I can do this easily in Abysnth under Windows, but could not get it to work well in Linux.
I looked at a couple of native Linux softsynths and... I have to say... I was sorely disappointed. It wasn't evident to me how to generate a bandlimited impulse in ZynAddSubFx; the documentation seems to indicate that this synth is built on totally different principles. Wavetable synths like WhySynth are hampered by the inability to import custom wavetables and by impossible-to-control mapping of MIDI note numbers onto filter frequency.
I had a quick look at the webpages for Ingen, but there are no packages and I was burned out on build failures at that point, so I didn't go further.
For the moment, I need to plug ahead with Windows so it's a question mainly for my own curiosity, but... did I overlook a really good softsynth package, or have I stumbled onto a gaping hole in the Linux audio ecosystem?
[1] Underworld, "Rez."
Can anyone provide some insight into the following JACK error?
Cannot open lsp client
jack_client_open() failed, status = 0x21
Background: SuperCollider has an extension class, SCJConnection[1], that uses jack_lsp to query a running jack server for ports, properties and connections. This has never failed for me. In fact, at 8 AM today, it was fine. Then I needed to step away, so I closed audio apps, stopped the Jack server (using qjackctl) and suspended my Ubuntu session. A bit later, I resumed the session, restarted the Jack server, launched SC, and it spit out "Cannot open lsp client" for the same action that had worked perfectly two hours before.
Quitting and restarting the Jack server did not resolve the problem.
Rebooting the computer resolved the problem.
If it's impossible to determine the cause at this point, that's fine -- I've seen stranger things from computers. But it's troubling that something that has worked literally thousands of times would suddenly, today, fail for no apparent reason. So I'm hoping maybe somebody might have a guess what would cause lsp to break (and I can keep that in mind if it happens again).
[1] https://github.com/supercollider-quarks/LinuxExternal/blob/master/JACK/SCJC…
Just came across a series of music production videos on youtube that
seems to be quite solid. Audio theory is covered at length. There are
7 parts divided in sections. The first part about theory is about 7
hours. The author is Brian Bollman. He uses Bitwig although as he
says, much of the foundation can be done on any DAW.
The first part, 7 hours, covers:
Free Education Resources
Audio Fatigue and Relative Loudness
Digital Audio, Metering and Distortion
Analog Audio, Metering and Distortion
Sampling Rates, Bit Depth
Sonic Visualizer (http://www.sonicvisualiser.org)
Audio Plugins
Fundamentals of Sounds - Amplitude, Frequency, Pitch, Nyquist
Phase Beating, Haas Effect
Timbre, Harmonics
Music Production on a Budget
Comparing DAWs
I will try to follow most of the course.
Scroll down a certain number of times to see the first lessons:
Apologies for x-posting--please consider sharing this announcement with
your colleagues/constituents.
I am pleased to announce the call for works (papers, posters,
installations, and performance works) for the upcoming Contemplative
Practices for the 21st Century University conference that will take
place at Virginia Tech, March 10-12, 2016.
As part of the conference, Virginia Tech Institute for Creativity, Arts,
and Technology (ICAT) invites proposals for art, installations, and
technology demonstrations with focus on contemplative practice. While
proposed art and installations should also leverage technology, within
the context of this submission we define technology in the broadest
terms possible. All submissions will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary
panel consisting of ICAT faculty and will be assessed on their
feasibility within the context of available conference infrastructure
and resources. Selected projects will be showcased as part of the
reception and a concert at the Moss Arts Center. Where appropriate, some
submissions may be also presented in a paper and/or poster format as
part of the "Technology" track. Authors of selected submissions will be
expected to attend the conference. We are particularly interested in
performance works that leverage ICAT's unique infrastructure, including
Cube and Perform Studio. To apply, please see the ICAT Submissions Form
on the website below. The deadline for submissions is December 18, 2015.
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Computer Music
ICAT Senior Fellow
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
The problem i have was already posted on the Muse Forum.
As this seems to be a low-traffic forum and perhaps i am too impatient, i
was hoping that i could find some help here.
This is my question:
we are trying to connect 2 computers, one running Csound and the other
running Muse. Syncing will be done with JackTransport.: Csound sends the
jacktransport code and Muse on the other machine is the slave. I have
written an article on the subject how this can be achieved:
We have chosen Muse because there is a nice button, called "Jack" in the
transport window of Muse, so it is easy to disconnect from the master
(Csound) and do things independently. Later you can connect back in with
this "Jack" button.
Since a few weeks i am not capable to start Muse anymore on the slave
machine. On the master machine, with the same system running, Muse works.
There is no error shown, it just stops and hangs:
Config File </home/menno/.config/MusE/MusE.cfg>
no locale <muse_nl_NL>/</usr/share/muse/locale>
open projectfile: No such file or directory
Denormal protection enabled.
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect name = jack_sem.1000_default_MusE
Jack: JackPosixSemaphore::Connect sem_getvalue 0
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackLibClient::Open name = MusE refnum = 4
Jack: jack_set_thread_init_callback ext_client 23f7be0 client 23f7be0
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client 23f7be0 client 23f7be0
Trying RTC timer...
fatal error: open /dev/rtc failed: Permission denied
hint: check if 'rtc' kernel module is loaded, or used by something else
Trying ALSA timer...
AlsaTimer::initTimer(): best available ALSA timer: system timer
got timer = 70
Aquired timer frequency: 1000
I have removed the dll VST and completely remove Muse, reinstall it etc. but
this does not help.
My system is: AMD, LinuxMint17.2, KXStudio
What can i do to trap the error?
View this message in context: http://linux-audio.4202.n7.nabble.com/Muse-refuses-to-start-tp97894.html
Sent from the linux-audio-user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hey hey everyone,
I know there aren't many women on here, but perhaps you can sdpread the word.
I'm looking for a feamel singer to perform a pop song of mine. Unfortunately I
still have issues with my vocal chords and it will take a few more months. A
snippet of the song and more information can be found here:
Feel free to share this info in other social networks. An e-mail will always
find me. :)
Thanks! <3
* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub: https://github.com/fsilvain
My new band released its first EP today, some good old four-chords punk
rock :)
Everything was recorded, mixed and mastered with Ardour 4.x + various
lv2 plugins. Thanks to every developer that made this possible!