Ladies and Gentlemen, dear distribution packagers,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite releases maintenance updates for the following programs:
Laborejo 2.0.3, Fluajho 1.7.2 and Patroneo 2.3.1
Besides some bugfixes there are two noteworhty changes:
1) They all require our new C library , which was released today as well.
2) Added X-NSM-Capable=True and X-NSM-Exec to their .desktop files, so they can be found by supporting NSM GUIs.
Signed source-downloads can be found here:
More information about the programs and full multi-language manuals can be found on the website
Laborejo Software Suite
Hello LAUs,
just a service message on subscribing to the ML.
I joined via the web interface [1]. It took some time for the
subscription to be effective (filled the form on March 22 – I received
the confirmation around April 4).
This message is just to point $listmaster (not sure if they received my
messages) that maybe antispam filters/ procedures are a bit too tight!
To everyone else: I am happy to be back, I recall some nice tracks
being posted to this list
I am looking for aeolus organ compilations from others (
Do any of you know instruments/sounds created with it, or have created some
yourself? I already know the Kerry201118 from Organnery.
Thank you very much.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christian Hofmann
Bad Nauheimer Str. 28
99947 Bad Langensalza
E-Mail: christian-hofmann(a)
Hi, there!
If you enjoy linux audio and wanna help someone (and his family) leaving
Putin's Russia, this one might be interesting for you:
Hello all,
I know this might be a weird place to ask, but thought some of you may
have some insight. I'm setting up four raspberry pis for an installation
to just loop through videos on four TVs with vlc and openbox.
Do you think I could set up the image on one pi, and then clone them on
other sd cards for the other 3 pis? There should be no issues with doing
that, right?, especially since I don't plan on giving them internet
access. The pis all have the same size sd card too, making this even
easier. I think I'm just going to throw 32-bit arch linux arm one of the
pis, set one up the way I want, and then clone them for the other pis.
Thank you very much for your help and input,
Brandon Hale