On Sun, Sep 14, 2003 at 03:53:30 +0200, Robert Jonsson wrote:
Sunday 14 September 2003 14:30 skrev Jan Depner:
Really nice! I'm an old UNIX guy so I just
used the brute force
method. I did forget to add that I kill syslogd and crond before I run
I sincerely hope though that the day will come when all these temporary
changes aren't necessary.
It bugs me that I can't keep _one_ configuration for all computer related
I want a system where I can start all services/daemons I use and still have
reliable (preferably good) performance with audio applications.
FWIW I dont do any of those things. I even found that MySQL and apache had
been running of my RT audio system for a week or so withouyt problems. I
do generally kill magicdev though.
- Steve