On Sat Feb 03, 2007 at 04:51:00AM +0100, Leonard Ritter wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 21:57 -0500, carmen wrote:
* if selling a bunch of deliberate plasticy junk
wasnt enough to make M-Audio lame, how about naming all their MIDI controllers after
cracking groups?
they did?
Rls Group M-Audio MIDI Controller
Radium Radium
AiR MidAir
OxYGeN Oxygen
Zone Ozone
sorry, capitalization might not be accurate, i stopped downloading cracks when i switched
to linux.
the reason i dont buy their stuff is beacuse the products are uninspired, ugly, and cheap
build compared to KORG, and high on prices and low on features compared to CME. but the
lame naming scheme, and general lock-in/tie-in attempts with Protools LE and lack of
acknowledging linux's existence doesn't help..
Leonard Ritter
-- Freelance Art & Logic