On Thu,
2012-09-06 at 10:30 -0700, Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
> > Looks like the [RME] HDSPe is a PCIe card allowing connection
> > between the computer and an external Multiface, Multiface
> > II or Digiface. It looks like the HDSPe retails for about
> > $550US and a Multiface II runs for about $950US. I'd need
> > two of the Multiface II units. Those units are listed in the
> > ALSA pages, which is good news.
> >
> > It's *REALLY* nice to see an available solution. But, it does
> > seem just a bit out of my price range. Of course, that's my
> > problem. ;-)
I just had to look... and sure enough they do exist:
May require some case modification, but the connector on the 1010 looks
low enough maybe not. A spacer would help hold the card in place. The
spdiff connections would be covered though. In some of the cases I have
seen the card hold down is a separate bar and could be mounted higher.
That is not a too outrageous mod if you look at something like this:
The other plan... perhaps more outrageous is to put both cards in the old
computer and use netjack to turn it into an Ethernet audio interface... I
won't even try to explain that one... though if I had the systems I
wouldn't mind trying it out.
Len Ovens