Last Friday 18 February 2005 07:46,
james(a) was like:
I think LAU is great, and I certainly
wouldn't unsubscribe just
because there is another list with a smaller focus.
I have found in the past, though, that "Look what I made!" posts get
ignored. Or at least it looks like that. I'm sure people listen and
have opinions, but don't actually take the time to write them down for
everyone else to read.
A place to post where you *know* people will give useful critisism
will hopefully get more people to open up and put their creations in
the public eye (ear?).
Personally, I don't want to sign up to yet another mailing list and I don't
want to miss out on the discussion because everyone else has moved over
there. I'm not convinced that it's 'broke' the way it is.
I'd prefer to keep those posts at LAU, too. Maybe it's a good compromise
to just agree on a common subject prefix like '[MUSIC]' or something
Jan Weil