On Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:33:11 +0200
Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsutton(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 at 23:20, Will Godfrey
<willgodfrey(a)musically.me.uk> wrote:
This month we only have 6 entries, and the closing date is the 27th. The guy
organising this nearly threw in the towel a few months ago due to low numbers,
and he gives up now it's very unlikely it will ever restart. So if you have
anything at all up to 3 minutes long that can be remotely described as relating
to a colour (or two) please submit it ASAP. This fun contest has run since (at
least) the early 2000s and it'd be a crying shame if it ends.
How long will they wait? Typically people _do_ submit stuff at the
very last. I'm considering a submission but I need a little more time
Ask them. They have moved the time in the past to allow people to get in.
'Hellfog' is the guy running it. In the past some people have made a request
on the submissions forum itself and others by sending a priv mail to him.
Will J Godfrey {apparently now an 'elderly'}
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.