On 6/8/07, Paul Davis <paul(a)linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
the intermediary is musicXML, but its a 1-way street:
lilypond can read
MusicXML but refuses to write it. Lilypond authors say they have no
plans to support this; Sibelius support says they do not plan to support
lilypond format.
You could have a look at Canorus (
http://canorus.berlios.de). It is
very early in development, but I've been following its svn and I
remember to have seen something about lilypond import and musicXML
export. I just can't confirm right now because I'm not in my linux box
(at my job right now, my box is at my home). But I can look when I get
home. Of course, probably it is only a partial implementation, but
this project is very promising.
Denis A. Altoe Falqueto