Excerpts from Ng Oon-Ee's message of Wed Jan 27 13:21:59 +0100 2010:
On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 12:17 +0100,
fons(a)kokkinizita.net wrote:
I installed Ardour 2.8.4. (6077) on a new Arch
system today and it's showing some strange things.
* On newly created sessions, the mute buttons
affect the meters but not the signal.
Hi fons, I can confirm this behaviour, and as mentioned by Paul Davis it
has to do with your ardour.rc. I changed the following values from 0 to
<Option name="mute-affects-pre-fader" value="1"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-post-fader" value="1"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-control-outs" value="1"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-main-outs" value="1"/>
Not sure where ardour.rc gets sourced for us using Arch though. I think
Paul (las) was the one who helped me trace it down at #ardour as well.
There is /etc/ardour2/ardour_system.rc
<Option name="mute-affects-pre-fader" value="yes"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-post-fader" value="yes"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-control-outs" value="yes"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-main-outs" value="yes"/>
Whereas an automatically created ~./ardour2/ardour.rc says:
<Option name="mute-affects-pre-fader" value="0"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-post-fader" value="0"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-control-outs" value="0"/>
<Option name="mute-affects-main-outs" value="0"/>
Note that I deleted the whole ~./ardour2 folder.
No idea why ardour2.8.6 gets this wrong..