I forgot I changed priority to 1 (that was stupid but I didn't noticed) , I
changed periods from 3 to 2 too, both trying to resolve this xrun problem
hehehe. I returned priority to default and periods to 3 and tested, still
xrun and tried with priority 80, same thing... I'm using my onboard
soundcard hw:0,0 , do you guys have any idea?
/usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -r48000 -p128 -n3 -D -Chw:0 -Phw:0,0
2014-05-14 16:00 GMT-03:00 Federico Galland <federicogalland(a)gmail.com>om>:
Are you using your onboard soundcard (hw:0,0)?
If it's an intel hda card, you should also use 3 periods instead of 2. At
least on all my hda-intel systems, using 3 periods lets me go below 128
f/p, while using 2 would throw a lot of xruns.
Also, as Jeremy pointed out, you should be rising your priority to at
least 70 or more.
Good luck!
Federico Galland <federicogalland(a)gmail.com>
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Lucas Conejero Takejame
Engenharia Elétrica - ênfase em computação
Escola Politécnica - USP