Patrick Shirkey wrote:
I haven't had a chance to try out lmms yet. What
are the main show
stoppers apart from the jack issue that you encountered?
Hi Patrick,
I reviewed it not too long ago:
I gave a fairly positive review *except* wrt its performance. Frankly,
it was pretty poor regardless of the driver (and I tested it with its
ALSA, OSS, and SDL drivers). I like its concept and design, but until it
has seamless JACK support it remains a toy.
Can't say I blame the devs for switching it over to Windows, especially
if they're not going to bring its JACK support up to speed.
There's a thread on LMMS over at KVRaudio. It's mostly concerned with
the eye candy, they're not responding to any queries re: JACK, so I'm
not hopeful about its development for Linux. And yes, they do refer to a
name change in the near future.