This machine is a pci based sparc machine so I can run
a linux flavor on this machine. I got the conputer for
free I would like to use it for audio if I can I am
not set on running solaris though.
Kevin Kelley
--- Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+la(a)> wrote:
kevin kelley wrote:
I would like to run a sampler program and a
sound card on a sun sparc solaris 9 platfrom. Does
anyone have any recomendations??
You're going to have some real problems here.
Firstly, Solaris does not support OSS or ALSA; it
has its own
audio I/O architecure and few Linux audio programs
are likely
to support it.
Secondly, SUN ships its own drivers for the hardware
it supports.
You are unlikely to be able to get Solaris drivers
for any third
party audio hardware.
However, if you were willing to run Linux on this
machine and it
had PCI, then you would have drivers and OSS and
Just my AUS $0.02.
Erik de Castro Lopo
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