Den 2018-08-02 13:42, skrev Christopher Arndt:
Am 02.08.2018 um 11:29 schrieb Ketil Thorgersen:
So - dear clever people: Should I abandon the
card or do you have some
ideas for a possible solution for me?
Depends on what is more valuable to you:
your time or a few hundred
bucks for a new interface. Nowadays there is quite a choice of midprice
USB audio interfaces, which work with Linux without hassle.
My experience with M-Audio interfaces (I have a Fast Track Pro) on Linux
is also that it's driver seems to not work correctly too often.
For a band I would take a look at the MIDAS MR18, for example. It can
also replace your mixer (because it is one).
Thanks a lot for your answer! I do not
like to waste money (and the
resources of the earth) without at least trying to fix things first. But
that looked like an interesting piece of gear…0%3D.
Am I right in assuming that it can record 18 tracks simultaneously? And
it works flawlessly under linux? Can you even utilise the built in
effects under linux?
Any other tips for a decent replacement if I need one (perhaps slightly
cheaper than the Midas)?
All the best!
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