On 02/20/2016 03:24 PM, BenoƮt Rouits wrote:
I have written generative composition with a chomsky grammar parsed by
and *old* program called gramophone2. Unfortunately, my tests
composition have multitrack but gramophone2 generates midi type 0 files
(1 merged track).
So, all midi sequencers i tried does only import track #1 while there
are 3 or 4 in the midi file with different speeds (i'm playing with yet
another phasing music). It may be a grammophone2 bug, but before to dive
into the code (if i find it) how could i convert the generated midi type
0 into a type 1 so that tracks speeds can be aligned ?
I'd try to dump the midi file to text, separate the tracks using a text
editor (or small script), encode as 3 or 4 midi files.
midicomp [1] or mf2t/t2mf [2] come to mind.