On Mon, 2006-06-02 at 15:51 +0100, Michael Bohle wrote:
Am Montag, den 06.02.2006, 15:33 +0100 schrieb
Thorsten Wilms:
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 03:10:59PM +0100, Michael
Bohle wrote:
Hmmm, om dosn`t work without lash, and lash dosn't work on my system.
(conn_mgr_start: could not look up service name: Servname not supported
for ai_socktype
loader_run: server closed socket; exiting)
lash is an option, not a requirement for om.
Thorsten Wilms
Ok I see.
But om dosn't start (I thought I was a prob with lash)
If I call om_gtk:
[StateManager] Unable to open settings file /home/metasymbol/.omgtkrc
[Main] No engine URL specified. Attempting to use
[OSCController] Started OSC listener on port 16601
[OSCController] Attempting to contact engine at
osc.udp://localhost:16180/ ......................
(never ending)
any idea?
You need to run the engine (om) yourself.
As of a few days ago in CVS, the Gtk client has a nice friendly
connection dialog with a button to launch the engine, so the next
release will not cause this confusion.
I probably should have gotten around to that much earlier, but whatever.
It worked. :)